An airline credit card is best for people who travel frequently in one month. Credit card providers usually offer rewards programs for airline credit cardholders. Points for frequent flyer miles can be earned for every dollar spent on purchases. Some airline credit cards have other existing promotional offers with certain merchants as an added bonus. Whatever the airline credit card, it is important that you know which one matches your travel needs.
Making the right decision in choosing an airline credit card can prove to be difficult if you don’t have all the details. Knowing what credit card features you want will make it easier for you to choose. Aside from the features of airline credit cards, you need to know the interest charges. Beware of high interest rates since this might prove to be a liability in the future. You don’t want to sink in too much credit card debt by paying off high interest rates.
American Express Platinum Card
The American Express Platinum Card is an airline credit that offers users with domestic and international travel insurance. This feature will make you feel safe and secure every time you use your credit card for travelling. If you want this type of feature, check with other issuers for credit card comparison before making your final decision.
Citibank Gold Card
This credit card offers cardholders complementary rewards programs and access to Citibank World privileges. Citibank credit cards have certain perks reserved only for their users. Just like the American Express Platinum credit card, Citibank Gold also offers cardholders with international travel insurance.
Virgin Flyer Credit Card
The Virgin Flyer credit card earns frequent flyer miles that can be availed through Virgin Airlines. When you choose this airline credit card, you can avail of the cheap annual fee of just $99. You also get to enjoy promotional offers like a free second seat when you buy one seat on Virgin Blue.
Take advantage of credit cards that offer low interest rates during the first year. Chances are, low interest rates will also be applied during the next year. Ask first before filling out a credit card application form. Some credit card issuers will not let you pay an annual fee during the first year. This is a marketing move to target first-time credit cardholders. Waived annual fees will save you more money.
Don’t be fooled by credit cards that offer lots of promos right away. Some offers might be misleading since they are only available for a limited amount of time. You may have filled out an application because you like to avail of a certain special promo. But once, you get the chance to make a purchase, the promo is no longer available. Avoid this kind of disappointment by choosing only a credit card that lets you enjoy long-term benefits such as frequent flyer miles. You can earn as much points as you want as a reward for using your airline credit card.
Do you have a favorite airline for traveling? Ensure that the credit card you choose lets you earn frequent flyer miles for your preferred airline. This will keep you from the inconvenience of unfamiliarity and discomfort of traveling with an airline you dislike. This can also be a problem for people who are loyal to a certain airline. If you fly from one international destination to another as part of work or business, an airline credit card is the right one for you. Just think of the flyer miles you will earn every time you use your credit card. You might get to enjoy a free round-trip international flight with the right credit card.
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